Locust Parks and Recreation Athletics
[Baseball] [Basketball] [Soccer] [Softball] [Tennis] [Pickleball] [Volleyball]
- Registration Link
- Refund Policy (english), Política de reembolso (spanish)
- Fee Schedule
- Map of Park, Parking, Spectator seating
- Athletics Code of Conduct (english), Código de Conducta (spanish)
- Athletic Field Use Guidelines
- Abuse Avoidance Training for Minors
- Concussion Clinic
- Minor Waiver Form (players under 18), Adult Waiver Form (Coaches)
- Background Check Form
- Athletic Program Survey
- Complaint Form
Spring baseball
Age: 4-12
Registration: January 1 – February 20
Details: Practices begin in March. Games April-early June. Locust Parks and Recreation’s spring baseball program is a franchise of the Dixie Youth Baseball program and therefore we must follow Dixie’s boundary rules. Participating players in our spring baseball program must live in Locust and/or, only if you are a Western Stanly County Resident, attend Locust Elementary school.
Documents: West Stanly Youth Athletics Baseball Bylaws, 2024 Age Chart, Minor Waiver Form, Adult Waiver Form, DYB Baseball Rule Book (Approved Bats are on page 12)
Contacts for surrounding communities:
Endy: Jordan Burleson,
Oakboro: Oakboro youth Association,
Stanfield: Stanfield Youth Athletic Association,
Midland: Midland residents are within the Mount Pleasant Youth Baseball boundary for spring baseball and must register with MPYAA:
Babe Ruth baseball
Age: 13-15
Registration: March 1 – April 1
Details: Practices begin in April. Games May-June.
Fall Baseball
Age: 4-12
Registration: July 1 – August 1
Details: Practices begin in August. Games September-early November. All divisions will play with teams from South Stanly, North Stanly, and Mt. Pleasant, so travel to Norwood, Richfield, and Mt. Pleasant will be necessary for some games.
Youth Basketball Camp
Locust Parks and Recreation partners with Perfect 10 to host a Youth Basketball Camp each summer and over Christmas break. Please contact for more information.
Youth Basketball
Age: Kindergarten- 5th grade (We will not accept children in pre-k.)
Registration: October 1 – October 31
Details: Players must live in Locust and/or attend a Locust school. Practices at Locust Elementary School Gym or Ridgecrest School. Games are played against/at other West Stanly communities. Team practices will begin after Veterans Day and games will be January-February. Team practice schedules will be determined once teams are finalized. We can not guarantee your child will have a certain practice day/time. There is no guarantee we will be able to honor requests for a certain coach/teammate/practice day.
Generally, teams are by grade level and not co-ed. There is a possibility grades/genders may be combined to create a larger division. For example, Kindergarten may be co-ed, and 4-5th may be combined.
If you live in a surround West Stanly community, you must register with your community. Contacts for surrounding communities:
K-5th Endy: Endy Optimist Club
K-5th Oakboro: Oakboro Parks and Recreation, Daniel Smith,
K-5th Stanfield: Stanfield Youth Athletic Association,
Spring Soccer
Age: 3-18 years old
Registration: January 5 – February 20
Details: Practices begin March. Games April-May. Players in the U6 (under 6) division will have practice once during the week and a game once during the week. The U8-U12 divisions traditionally have one practice during the week and four weekends of tournament style play. Tournament play may be modified to meet current mandates during the season. All practices will be at the Locust Athletic Complex soccer fields. Practices times will be determined when registration closes and teams are made, but are usually in the evening between 5:30 and 7:30. We rely on volunteer coaches.
Oakboro residents: Oakboro Parks and Recreation, Josh Almond,
Documents: Spring Soccer Rules and Regulations
Fall Soccer
Age: 3-15
Registration: July 1 – August 1
Details: Practices begin in August. Games September – early November. Locust will join Parks and Recreation Departments from Albemarle, Oakboro, South Stanly, and Park Ridge in a soccer league this fall. Practices will be on weeknights at the Locust Athletic Complex. Games will on Saturday mornings, either in Locust or at the Albemarle Soccer Complex.
Documents: Albemarle Soccer Complex Field Layout, Fall Soccer Rules and By-laws, Fall Soccer Division Differences
Spring softball
Age: 4-15
Registration: January 5 – February 20
Details: Practices begin in March. Games are April – early June. Players must live in Locust and/or attend a Locust school. Participating players in our spring baseball/softball programs must live in Locust and/or, only if you are a Western Stanly County Resident, attend Locust Elementary school.
Documents: Age Chart, Minor Waiver Form, Adult Waiver Form
Softball Contacts for surrounding communities:
Endy: TJ Kuleba,
Oakboro: Larry Hill,
Stanfield: Stanfield Youth Athletic Association,
Fall Softball
Fall softball is organized by the West Stanly Dixie Youth Softball Organization. This is NOT a Locust Parks and Recreation program. To register, email West Stanly Dixie Youth Softball President, Diane Furr, with your daughters name, age, date of birth, and shirt size.
Diane Furr:, 704-438-6069
Age: 4-15
Registration: July 1 – July 31
We’re excited to have Tennis Lessons return to Locust Parks and Recreation! We’re partnering with Tennis Bloc to provide Tennis lessons.
Age: 8 and Under, 10 and Under, 14 and Under, 18 and Under, Adult
Registration: Register online with TennisBloc.
Cost: $100 for the season ($20 non-resident fee)
Details: Lessons are located at the tennis courts in the Locust City Park Athletic Complex, most easily accessed from Lions Club Drive off of HWY 200.
We do not have lessons available at this time. Please check back in the spring.
Age: 5th-8th grade
Registration: July 1 – September 7
Details: Practices begin in September. Games October-November. League is made up of Locust and Albemarle teams.
Football & Cheerleading
The West Stanly Youth Football Organization now organizes all West Stanly youth football & cheerleading sign ups, games, etc. Please visit for more information.
This is a separate organization from the City of Locust. You MUST register through their organization. Please direct all inquires to the West Stanly Youth Football Organization.